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Call for Expressions of Interest to be members of the WCRC/CReSt Steering Committee

The Wales Cancer Research Centre work with cancer patients and other partners to develop and deliver research excellence across Wales. We are based at Cardiff University and funded by Health and Care Research Wales. 

The WCRC has taken on coordination of activity on implementing the Cancer Research Strategy for Wales (CReSt), as well as WCRC core activity.  Its work is now focused around the six CReSt priority research themes: 

  • Precision and mechanistic oncology
  • Immuno-oncology
  • Radiotherapy
  • Cancer clinical trials
  • Palliative and supportive oncology
  • Population health-based cancer prevention, detection, primary care and health services research.

A WCRC/CReSt Steering Committee is being set up, to meet twice per year to offer expert advice and strategic input both to WCRC activities and wider CReSt implementation. Committee members will provide oversight and steering, through input of expertise and active engagement in problem solving, through attendance and participation at meetings (expected to be every 6 months and around 2.5hours each) and offline between meetings as appropriate.

Please note these are unremunerated roles. 

We are seeking Expressions of Interest (EoIs) from individuals for the following roles.

  • Nurse and Allied Health Professional Representative
  • Trials Infrastructure Representative

To be eligible you must be based in Wales, engaged in research-related activity (or management thereof) that is wholly or partly relevant to cancer; and not in current receipt of WCRC funding, nor a CReSt academic lead. The positions are currently until 2028 and membership will be rotated at that time, to open up future opportunities for others to participate.

WCRC/CReSt Steering Committee member responsibilities

  • Act in an advisory capacity as a ‘critical friend’ by 
    • providing independent and external oversight to the work delivered by the WCRC 
    • oversight and critical appraisal of wider CReSt implementation plans and progress
    • Help to identify opportunities, concerns and priorities
  • Provide a ‘Pan-Wales’ perspective of the current and future direction in Cancer research across Wales and the UK and ‘horizon scan’ for new initiatives and innovations. 
  • Enhance interactions, collaborations and partnerships, across the cancer research community and with key organisations/activities, inside and outside Wales
  • Engage with WCRC/CReSt activity and comms, with enthusiasm for building and supporting the cancer research community 
  • Contribute expertise to national workshops or deliverables as appropriate.

Further information

Please send your Expressions of Interest to by 31 March 2025

Expressions of interest should comprise a statement (no more than 250 words) outlining your current role, any links you have with other organisations or infrastructure that broaden the insight you could bring to the group, how you feel you could make a significant contribution to the Steering Committee and (where relevant) a link to your research portfolio.