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Resources for Early Career Researchers in Wales

Support and resources tailored to those at an early research career stage.

As you get started in your research career, you could benefit from being part of a network of your peers. As well as making new contacts that can offer peer support along your journey, these groups facilitate webinars, workshops, and provide other resources tailored to those at an early career stage.

We have collated the following signposting guide to direct you to your local Early Career Researcher (ECR) network and other relevant opportunities. If you spot any updates needed or if you know of any other resources that would be beneficial for us to signpost, please contact

Institutional ECR Groups

Cardiff University

Cardiff University School of Medicine runs an ECR Forum open to all Cardiff University ECRs, which supports in-person (or hybrid) meetings that cover a variety of useful topics such as grant funding, data management, teaching opportunities, patient & public involvement and public engagement. They also run sessions led by internal and external speakers.

To find out more, visit this intranet link or email your divisional ECR representative:

Division of Infection & Immunity: Mathew Clement.

Division of Cancer & Genetics: NERD mailbox

College of Biomedical and Life Sciences (CBLS): Sign up to the funding Bulletin by contacting your School Research Office.

Swansea University

From September 2023 onwards, Swansea University will offer talks from internal speakers, networking events, training on useful topics such as bids and funding. These will be open to all Swansea University ECRs.

To find out more, email Laura Thomas

Bangor University

Bangor University offers yearly ECR mini-conference meetings where ECRs get the opportunity to network with each other, and to practice their presentation skills.

Bangor University also provides an extensive training programme, covering topics such as leadership, management, and thesis writing. These are open to Bangor University ECRs, and the opportunities will be emailed to Bangor researchers.

Other ECR opportunities

The British Academy and GW4 Alliance

GW4 is an alliance of four of the most research-intensive and innovative universities in the UK, including Cardiff University. Along with the British Academy, the GW4 alliance is leading a consortium to coordinate an ECR network.

The British Academy and the GW4 Alliance collaborate on a programme of activity designed to benefit Early Career Researchers across the humanities and social sciences in these institutions.

Health and Care Research Wales 

Health and Care Research Wales, supported by Welsh Government, is an organisation which brings together partners across Wales, as well as funding cancer research projects across the country.

Health & Care Research Wales provides a faculty membership opportunity for ECR personal award holders funded by Health & Care Research Wales.

Health & Care Research Wales produces a bulletin which is open to all ECRs.

Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) is the world’s leading independent cancer charity. CRUK offers the opportunity for ECRs to observe funding panels and committees. There is no requirement to be funded by CRUK to apply to this scheme. 

The Learned Society of Wales

The Learned Society of Wales (LSW) is an independent, all-Wales, self-governing, pan-discipline educational charity.

LSW provides a host of resources for ECRs, from networking sessions to workshops and webinars. They also have a yearly ECR meet-up, supported by LSW fellows. LSW can facilitate ECR meetings to discuss career trajectory, and can support ECR events.

LSW open calls for ECR-specific grants, which they advertise on their website.

These resources are freely available to any ECR who signs up to LSW. 

Public and Patient Involvement (PPI)

Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) is an important aspect of research, where projects are carried out with input from members of the public. At the Wales Cancer Research Centre (WCRC) we work with a team of lay research partners who enrich research across Wales with their PPI input.

PPI is key to research; if you are involved in an ECR network and would like one of WCRC’s PPI lay research partners to speak to your network, please contact

Our research partners can help your network understand what PPI is, why PPI matters, how you measure PPI’s impact, and how you track its success.