Palliative Care Evidence Review Service (PaCERS)
PaCERS has been developed as a rapid review service, funded by Welsh Government, to support professionals and other decision-makers working in palliative care.
Rapid Reviews
The importance of relating clinical practice more closely to evidence is recognised by health and social care professionals and commissioners. However, a lack of time is often a significant obstacle, especially when it comes to locating, reading and assessing relevant literature.
Established in 2015, PaCERS is a unique service that responds to urgent and clinically-driven calls for evidence. Our aim is to support healthcare professionals and other decision-makers within the remit of palliative care.
Rapid Reviews are conducted within 8-10 weeks using modified systematic review methods with a highly refined research question.
Requesting a Rapid Review
PaCERS will respond to calls for evidence from professional groups / organisations in Wales. Requests should be made by downloading the Request Form and emailing to Please use this email address for any further information on this service.
View the published review methodology here.