The Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) is looking for teenagers and young adults who are interested in helping to provide a patient view on cancer research within Wales. You may be 18 – 25 and undergoing treatment for a blood cancer or solid tumour cancer, or you may be older and have received treatment when you were in the 14- 25 age group.
We currently have two new vacancies available.
- Become a member of a UK wide Haematology Group, which is made up of scientific researchers and clinicians throughout the UK. This group meets every 6 – 8 weeks and needs members of the public to provide a public view on a range of topics such as patient data use, trial development in haematological cancers, issues on trial participation such as age limits and tissue biobanking and how to promote effective communication of trial activities and opportunities. The group meets during working hours and are flexible on days and times. Meetings are usually 2 hours long and are held virtually.
- The second opportunity covers a similar range of topics to the haematology group but will tackle specific issues faced in solid cancers. The role will be a member of a Multidisciplinary Research Group of clinicians and researchers looking to develop research projects on solid tumours (e.g. breast, colorectal, prostate, ovarian etc). This opportunity will also involve participating in a group that will meet approximately every 3 months, giving a patient view to any discussions. The timings of meetings for these groups is more variable, usually lasting 1.5-2 hrs.
The time commitment in meetings is as set out above, and you would also need some time to prepare for meetings by reading minutes and addressing any actions that may arise.
Honoraria will be paid for these activities at the rate of £25 per hour and there may be some opportunities for additional meetings to take place.
You would attend these meetings with another experienced public/patient representative who would act as your mentor and support you in this role. Training will be provided for your role online and through online courses run by the Health and Care Research Wales Support Centre.
All meetings will be online for the foreseeable future.
If you want to find out more information generally about public and patient participation you can look on the Health and Care Research Wales website https://healthandcareresearchwales.org/public.
If you would like to talk about these vacancies specifically, please contact CardiffECMC@cardiff.ac.uk where you can register your interest in the project and hear more about future Patient and Public Involvement opportunities.