WCRC Research Partners Sarah Peddle and Bob McAlister recently visited Swansea University to present to an audience of early career researchers (ECRs). The session was hosted by the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science ECR Working Group at the Institute of Life Science.
The presentation focused on Patient and Public involvement (PPI) as practiced at the WCRC and extended to encompass the broader PPI experiences of both WCRC Research Partners. Key topics included the UK Standards for Public Involvement (UKSPI), a set of guidelines Bob McAlister helped develop as a public member. Sarah Peddle also highlighted her public contributor links to the SAIL Databank, which is based at Swansea University.
The event, organised by Dr Laura Thomas, coordinator of ECR development activities at Swansea University, responded to a need expressed by an ECR group in Swansea. Dr Thomas was pleased to welcome the Research Partners as visitors, whose insights on the benefits of public inclusion in research were highly anticipated.
In addition to discussing the value of public involvement in research, Bob and Sarah provided attendees with resources and support options for PPI queries, including the Health and Care Research Wales Support and Delivery Centre.
The session was well-received, underscoring the WCRC Research Partners’ commitment to discussing their work and the broader significance of Patient and Public Involvement in research.
Research Partner Bob McAlister said “As WCRC Research Partners we are keen to have contact with ECRs to tell them about the benefits and practicalities of public involvement so this session really suited both parties. It was great to be amongst people who are at the beginning of their inspiring research careers and find out more about the fantastic work happening across Wales.”