CReSt: the cancer research strategy for Wales
The first national cancer research strategy for Wales (CReSt) was launched in 2022. The goal is to build on the best of the research being done already to increase the depth and critical mass of cancer research activity in Wales.
Download the strategy here:

Moving Forward: A Cancer Research Strategy for Wales

Symud ymlaen: Strategaeth Ymchwil Canser Cymru
Taking CReSt forward together
The Wales Cancer Research Centre will coordinate the implementation of CReSt by bringing people together from across the cancer research community.
We look forward to making many new connections and working with existing partners as CReSt delivery begins in 2022.
To find out how you or your organisation can get involved in implementing the strategy, please contact

Precision and mechanistic oncology
Looking at how genetics can affect who gets cancer, how that cancer behaves, and finding ways to treat cancers with particular genetic ‘signatures’.

Understanding how our bodies’ immune responses change when cancer develops, and finding ways to use the immune system to help fight cancer.

Exploring how radiotherapy can kill cancer cells while limiting the impact on the rest of the body.

Cancer clinical trials
Bringing promising new treatments to patients in trials and testing new ways of giving existing treatments.

Palliative and supportive oncology
Finding the best ways to look after patients with cancer, such as pain control, side effect management and mental health support.

Prevention, early detection, primary care and health services research
Finding new ways to prevent cancer and detect it early, and making sure that health services in Wales are underpinned by strong science.
Latest CReSt updates
Exploring cancer detection and inequality: a forward focus through behavioural science
Kate Brain, Professor of Heath Psychology at Cardiff University and Theme 6 Cancer Research Strategy (CReSt) lead, sheds light on the evolving…
Call for Expressions of Interest to chair the CReSt Multidisciplinary Research Groups
The Wales Cancer Research Centre (WCRC) works in partnership to develop and deliver research excellence across Wales, in line with…