Mynd i'r cynnwys

Gwasanaeth Adolygu Tystiolaeth Gofal Lliniarol (PaCERS)

Mae PaCERS yn wasanaeth adolygu tystiolaeth cyflym i gynorthwyo gweithwyr proffesiynol a phobl eraill sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau ac sy’n gweithio ym maes gofal lliniarol.

Adolygiadau Cyflym

Mae gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol proffesiynol a chomisiynwyr yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd cysylltu ymarfer clinigol yn agosach â thystiolaeth. Fodd bynnag, mae diffyg amser yn aml yn rhwystr sylweddol, yn enwedig o ran lleoli, darllen ac asesu llenyddiaeth berthnasol.

Sefydlwyd PaCERS yn 2015 fel gwasanaeth unigryw sy’n ymateb i alwadau brys a chlinigol am dystiolaeth. Ein nod yw cefnogi gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol a phenderfynwyr eraill o fewn cylch gorchwyl gofal lliniarol.

Cynhelir Adolygiadau Cyflym o fewn 8-10 wythnos gan ddefnyddio dulliau adolygu systematig diwygiedig, gyda chwestiwn ymchwil wedi’i fireinio’n helaeth.

Gofyn am Adolygiad Cyflym

Bydd PaCERS yn ymateb i alwadau am dystiolaeth gan grwpiau / sefydliadau proffesiynol yng Nghymru. Dylid gwneud ceisiadau trwy lawrlwytho’r Ffurflen Gais a’i hanfon mewn e-bost i Defnyddiwch y cyfeiriad e-bost hwn i gael gwybodaeth bellach am y gwasanaeth hwn.

Gweler y fethodoleg adolygu gyhoeddedig yma.

Rapid Review TitleAuthor Team
What does Future Care Planning look like within end-of-life care? A scoping review of the literature.Mann M., Sivell S., Hackett R., Harding E., Taubert M.
The perceptions of patients, caregivers and generalist healthcare professionals on the role and value of specialist palliative care services: a rapid reviewHarding E., Holland-Hart D., Mann M., Byrne A.
The information and communication needs of patients with advanced incurable cancer: A rapid reviewHolland-Hart D., Goss S., Hope I., and Mann M.
What is the most effective treatment in achieving early haemostasis and preventing or delaying re-bleeding in cancer patients suffering from upper GI bleeds? A rapid review. Doyle C., Mann M., Cordiner R., & Byrne A. 
Palliative Care Evidence Review Service. What competency frameworks are available to promote a consistent education framework for palliative and end of life care workforce in Wales? A Rapid Evidence Map. Cardiff: Palliative Care Evidence Review Service (PaCERS); 2022 AugustCordiner R., Mann M., & Byrne A.
Palliative Care Evidence Review Service. What outcome domains are considered core to assessing the impact of adult specialist palliative care services in Wales? A rapid review. Cardiff: Palliative Care Evidence Review Service (PaCERS); 2021 December.Cordiner R., Mann M., Makuta G., Stewart R.,
Byrne A.
Palliative Care Evidence Review Service. What is the evidence base for early palliative care integrated with acute oncology services in terms of oncology patient reported experience and outcomes, quality of life, and cost effectiveness? Cardiff: Palliative Care Evidence Review Service (PaCERS); 2021 September.Mann M.,
Evans L, Williams L, Byrne A.
Palliative Care Evidence Review Service. What are patient perspectives in atypical and idiopathic Parkinson’s disease of the benefits and timing of ACP and palliative care input? A rapid review: Cardiff: Palliative Care Evidence Review Service (PaCERS); 2021 July.Mann M., Pattern R., Byrne A.
Palliative Care Evidence Review Service. What is the evidence base for effectiveness and cost effectiveness of rapid response or enhanced response community palliative care service models? A rapid review: Cardiff: Palliative Care Evidence Review Service (PaCERS); 2021 January.Prys Thomas O. Mann M., Fielding H.,
Croft R.,
Byrne A.
Palliative Care Evidence Review Service. What is the evidence base for care models within care homes that improve the end of life for patients and their carers? A rapid review: Cardiff: Palliative Care Evidence Review Service (PaCERS) & Marie Curie; 2020 MarchChatland L.,
Mann M., Woodward A., Byrne A.,
Best S.
What is the impact of reflexology on palliative and cancer patients with constipation? A rapid review (2019)Mann M., Woodward A., Evans A.,
Byrne A.
What is the evidence base for the assessment and management of cancer cachexia in adults with incurable pancreatic cancer? A rapid review (2019)Davies JMV.,
Mann M.,
Woodward A., Torrens-Burton A., Evans A.,
Byrne A.
What are the attitudes and perceptions of patients with pulmonary fibrosis and their carers towards use of oxygen therapy? A rapid review (2018)Mann M., Woodward A., Evans A.,
Byrne A.
What are the models and outcomes of Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in cancer and palliative care research? A rapid review (2018)Mann M., Woodward A., Nelson A.,
Byrne A.
What is the impact and effectiveness of the 7-day CNS service on palliative care patients and their families? A rapid review (2018)Mann M., Woodward A., Lewis M.,
Byrne A.
What outpatient models have proven efficacy for assessment and management of pelvic radiotherapy late effects? A rapid review (2018)Mann M., Woodward A., Byrne A.
Does advance care planning alter management decisions made by healthcare professionals? A rapid review (2017)Mann M.,
Gee P.,
Morris A.,
Bayliss V.,
Allen C.,
Byrne A.
What are best practice service models in rural areas for the delivery of end of life and palliative care? A rapid review (2016)Mann M.,
Gee P., Woodward A., Byrne A.